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August 28, 2023
What You Should Know About the Deportation and Defense Process: When it comes to the complex and often confusing world of immigration, understanding your rights and options is critical. Here, we will explore the most frequently asked questions about the deportation process and the defenses available...
August 28, 2023
Are you a new U.S. Citizen? It is our pleasure to warmly welcome you to this new stage of your life. You are now part of America’s vibrant history as a country built by diverse cultures and backgrounds. After you have completed your emotional naturalization ceremony and obtained your certificate,...
August 25, 2023
Types of Nonimmigrant Visas and Their Various Uses Nonimmigrant visas offer temporary opportunities for a variety of purposes. We will guide you through some of the types of nonimmigrant visas and how they can be applied in different situations. Tourist Visa (B-2): The Tourist Visa, also known as B-2,...
August 25, 2023
Asylum and Deportation Defense Protecting Your Right to Remain in the United States The process of obtaining asylum and protecting yourself from deportation can be overwhelming and full of legal challenges. At Mira Law Group, we understand the importance of your right to remain in this country and are...
August 25, 2023
Inadmissibility in the United States. The law provides that inadmissibility refers to a condition under which a person does not meet the legal requirements to enter or remain in the United States. When someone is deemed inadmissible, he or she is denied entry into the country or is prevented from changing...
August 24, 2023
Key Steps to Applying for Immigration Relief in the United States Applying for immigration relief in the United States is a process that requires planning, documentation, and patience. If you are seeking to regularize your immigration status, follow these key steps to increase your chances of success:...